life update

Yap Yap Yapper

So... here I am again, writing on this blog that literally no one reads except me. Fun, right? I’m kinda crying today because of how low my social activity has become, and honestly, I don’t feel like doing anything. I don’t even want to write this, but somehow, it feels like therapy. I just realized that it’s been two years since I started this blog, so I guess I still own this corner of the internet, at least.

Anyway, your boy’s got a messed-up group of friends, a non-existent love life, terrible academics, and a personality that’s gone completely downhill. It feels like I’m living in the upside-down world from Stranger Things. I really don’t know what to do. Lately, all I’ve been doing is watching movies 24/7, trying to relax without realizing how much time I’m wasting. It’s kinda dumb. I mean, I’m still alive, but sometimes I wonder if that even matters. How random would it be if a guy like me just died out of nowhere? Kinda dark humor, I know, but it’s the truth.

Quick life update:

So, I’m in 11th grade now, with PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Math), which sounds terrifying, but I don’t really have a choice. Honestly, this is the only reason I have the right to joke about suicide (but seriously, just kidding).

I’m still single (obviously), but it’s not my fault! A girl ghosted me out of nowhere, and yeah, that made me sad for a while. But I’m over it now. I still like the idea of romantic love, though it doesn’t seem like it’s happening anytime soon.

When it comes to friends, I’m basically a certified loner. Again, not my fault. I just don’t enjoy making new friends because, let’s be real, most people are kinda... eww? Plus, my social anxiety makes things even worse.

Oh, and I almost forgot—I created this random fun school page where I called people out for being fake and all that. Well, people found out it was me, and now I’m dealing with the fallout. It wasn’t really my fault, but whatever. Now I get the occasional death threat for it, but we’ll see if I restart the page. It's kinda time-consuming, though.

On academics...

I’ve fallen hard. I used to have a solid 98%, but now I’m at 27% in one subject. Science is killing me, man. It’s so damn difficult.

Family life?

Same old, same old. I live in a one-room setup with four people, and honestly, I hate everyone. Like, seriously. I love making jokes about them, but it always ends up in a shouting match, so I just keep the hate low-key.

Yeah, I know my parents are toxic, but at least I have my escape: movies and music.

Damn, when I look at it like this, my life does seem pretty messed up.