ok i am here

 hello everybody i am writing this blog (jo koi bhi nahi padta ) so if anybody reads my blog he/she know that i write blog only when my exams are approaching so this it's final exam and I am again stressed i haven't done sst science an i have problem in tese sunjects only and noe these day i have some more problem because i depress because i am left alone😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Actually my friends don't consider me and now slowly I feel that i have problems with my parent's . I remember when i was in 7th my mom said that she gave birth to me just to support my sister when she will me no more i felt sooooo bad that wasted my whole life for my sister and my dad few days back said me i am the cultrate of all the problem in the family is because of me i just wanna die after hearing to this. My friends my soo bad that on the day of birthday I sat alone like seriously alone on birthday and very less people wished me roughly around 3-4 i felt sooo bad the previous year 2022 was partially good for me but now i think now i am not goanna distract i will only study at home and listen to music watch series and more stuff like this and change my friends like i am amazed to see that one of the friend of my friend circle wasn't my friend at he first sat with me then he forced me sat with me for 1-2 months and now he is better friend of my friend circle than me i don't know how he did sooo. but i know that i have to avoid these toxic people and get good and best friend .